The story of Guesthouse Lailashi begins with a family deeply rooted in the village of Lechkumi in Georgia’s mountainous region. Situated at an altitude of about 850 meters above sea level, this village is known for its scenic mountainside pool, offering breathtaking views of the mountains and the Lajanuri reservoir.
The family hotel is a captivating blend of old and new architecture. Originally constructed in 1936, with its appearance dating back to the 1940s, the house has since been expanded to include a modern addition. This unique fusion of two different eras is a hallmark of Lailashi Guesthouse, where traditional wooden balcony ornaments reflect Georgia’s rich heritage.
The hotel features five double/twin rooms, each with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities. Mari, the family’s welcoming face, ensures guests have a delightful stay. Her passion for revitalising the beautiful Georgian village through tourism aims to prevent its depopulation.
Guests at Lailashi Guesthouse are also treated to a hearty breakfast, further enhancing their experience in this charming and historic setting.
Lechkhumi is located in the northern part of Western Georgia, today's Tsageri municipality. It is distinguished by its ancient culture and beautiful nature. With forests, rapids, canyons, mineral waters, alpine meadows, lakes, and the mystical Khvamli mountain with a great history, Lechkhumi is very interesting and attractive for travel lovers. Khvamli Mountain is an important place in the entire history of Georgia and is visited by many people during the Khvamli festival. Lechkhumi is considered one of the powerful metallurgical centers of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Since ancient times, the international caravan route passed through Shua Lechkhumi. Compared to other places in Western Georgia, it provides a different, comfortable microclimate. In the low area, 800 meters above sea level, the average annual air temperature is +11.4℃, the average temperature in January is -0℃, and in July - +22℃.
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